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When to Call Your Local AC Repair Services Company

tech servicing unit

Just because your air conditioning unit is still doing the job of keeping your home or business relatively cool on a hot day, does not necessarily mean that it is working properly. While there are a few things you can check yourself, there are a few telltale signs that it is time to call in the professionals who specialize in ac repair services. In Conroe, TX and the surrounding areas, those specialists are TCS AC & Heating. Here are a few issues that signal you should get on the phone with them right away to schedule an appointment.

You’re Not as Cool as Usual

If the AC unit doesn’t turn on then it could be something easy you can fix yourself like a power or thermostat setting issue. If the AC does turn on but doesn’t have the power it usually does, it probably speaks to a larger issue. One that will only get worse over time. A professional ac repair services company can diagnose the issue and fix things like compressor issue, motor problems, or low coolant.

You See a Leak

There will always be natural condensation from your AC unit but if you see leaking or pooling water, that is a sign of a larger issue. Not only can it mean big problems for your AC unit, but water like that can damage other areas of your home as well. This is usually caused by a clog somewhere and an AC technician will be able to find exactly where that is occurring.

You Hear Noise

You are probably very familiar with the usual hum of your properly functioning AC unit. If that noise chances, it can be a sign of a big problem. If you hear hissing, knocking, screeching, scratching or bubbling noises, you definitely want to get an AC repair services technician out to look at your unit ASAP. These can be signs of things like leaks, low fluid levels or motor problems.

Your Bill’s Higher Than Usual

When you open your most recent energy bill during the hot seasons and the amount due is much higher than expected, there is a good chance that a malfunctioning AC unit is the cause. An AC repair services company will help solve the problem and save you money in the process!

Your Smart Thermostat Tells You To

There are so many benefits of installing a smart thermostat in your home in 2019. They are convenient, save money, and are eco-friendly. In addition to these things, some will also give you warnings when your air conditioning system (or heating system in the winter) is malfunctioning.  This is so helpful to catch problems early so you do not have to replace a system down the line after a major breakdown.


If you experience any of these problems or something else that makes you feel like your AC unit is just not right, don’t wait. Call TCS AC & Heating in Conroe, TX for all your AC repair services and preventative maintenance as well to avoid these issues altogether.

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